Neptune Systems Gro Light
Neptune Systems Gro Light
Macroalgae Grow Light for Refugiums and Nutrient Reduction in Reef Aquariums
Maintaining low nutrient levels is key to a healthy and algae-free marine aquarium
The GRO is a specialized, 20W LED light designed to grow many types of common macroalgaes (i.e. Chaetomorpha) using a specialized light spectrum which maximizes photosynthesis. It plugs directly into any available DC24 port in your Apex ecosystem, or alternatively, it can also be run completely standalone.
Reduce Your Nutrients, the Natural Way, with a Refugium
It’s easy! Growing and harvesting macroalgae in a compartment in your sump, or in a full-blown refugium, is the natural way to reduce unwanted nutrients in your reef aquarium. It also creates a home and reproductive area for beneficial micro-fauna that consume waste and provide a food source for corals and fish. Growing macroalgae opposite your normal light cycle (called reverse daylight photosynthesis or RDP) also helps raise and stabilize your aquarium pH.
Only three things are necessary to get started:
- A sequestered place in your sump or filtration area that has adequate water flow.
2. A “start” of macroalgae such as chaetomorpha – get it online, from a LFS, or from a reefkeeping buddy.
3. A proper light source, like the GRO.
Better Macroalgae Growth Using Less Power
It may seem counterintuitive – and possibly even fly in the face of some “experts” – but with far less power than its competitors, the GRO promotes thick, healthy, and abundant macroalgae growth. The GRO does this by using 84 low-powered LED, selected for optimal macro algae growth, and spreads them evenly across a wide, rectangular area. This enables the GRO to be placed very close to the macroalgae and increase its efficiency while minimizing wasteful light spillage.
Find out more here.